SeekDeep popClusteringViewer --help
popClusteringViewer is used to view the final results of the SeekDeep targeted amplicon sequencing analysis pipeline that is created by SeekDeep processClusters. It sets up a local HTTP server for an interactive interface for viewing all results. To run it needs the name of the directory created by SeekDeep processClusters and the name of the directory of javascript and html files downloaded with SeekDeep
Giving the -help flag will get information on requirements for running SeekDeep popClusteringViewer
SeekDeep popClusteringViewer
Required Options
--configDir Name of the Master Result Directory; required; default=; (boost::filesystem::path)
Optional Options
--bindAddress Address to bind to, defaults to (localhost); default=; (std::string)
--debug Debug; default=false; (bool)
--name Name of root of the server; default=pcv; (std::string)
--port Port Number to Serve On; default=9881; (uint32_t)
--resourceDirName Name of the resource Directory where the js and html is located; default=/Users/nick/hathawayTesting/external/local/SeekDeep/develop/SeekDeep/etc/serverResources; (boost::filesystem::path)
--seqServerCore Name of the seqServerCore Directory where the js and html for the core seqServer code is located; default=/Users/nick/hathawayTesting/external/local/seqServer/develop/seqServer/etc/resources/seqServerCore; (boost::filesystem::path)
--verbose,-v Verbose; default=false; (bool)
--workingDir The working directory to store temporary files; default=/tmp/; (boost::filesystem::path)
Help Options
Also all flags in SeekDeep are case insensitive and so all the following would have the same results
SeekDeep popClusteringViewer needs 1 flag to run, --configDir
* –configDir: This is a directory with configure files created by SeekDeep genProjectConfig, see below
SeekDeep genProjectConfig
will create a *.config file where the prefix is the name given to --shortName
, use --overWrite
to overWrite itYou can give a file or redirect the output to a file
You need to create a directory with configuration files create by SeekDeep genProjectConfig, most of the time you might just have one but if you have multiple clustering projects you can host multiple projects at once.
Calling this command will print out a address that the HTTP server is being hosted at, copy this address into a browser to start using the server
If you have several servers running or something is already running at the default port you may have to change the port number to get the server running, this can be done with the -port
system: Address already in use
# popClusteringViewer's Purpose
popClusteringViewer is used to view the final results of the SeekDeep targeted amplicon sequencing analysis pipeline that is created by [SeekDeep processClusters](processClusters_usage.html). It sets up a local HTTP server for an interactive interface for viewing all results. To run it needs the name of the directory created by [SeekDeep processClusters](processClusters_usage.html) and the name of the directory of javascript and html files downloaded with SeekDeep
# Getting usage command line
Giving the -help flag will get information on requirements for running **SeekDeep popClusteringViewer**
```{r, engine='bash',comment="",eval=FALSE}
SeekDeep popClusteringViewer --help
```{r, engine='bash',comment="",highlight=TRUE, echo=FALSE}
SeekDeep popClusteringViewer --help | gsed -r "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,3}((;[0-9]{1,3})*)?)?[m|K]//g" | head -15
echo ...
echo ...
Also all flags in SeekDeep are case insensitive and so all the following would have the same results
```{r, engine='bash',comment="",eval=FALSE}
SeekDeep popClusteringViewer --help
SeekDeep popClusteringViewer --HELP
SeekDeep POPClusteringViewer --HeLP
SeekDeep popClusteringViewer --HeLp
SeekDeep PopClusteringViewer --HeLp
SeekDeep popClusteringVIEWER --HeLp
```{r, engine='bash',comment="",eval=FALSE, echo=FALSE}
SeekDeep popClusteringViewer --getFlags
```{r, engine='bash',comment="",highlight=TRUE, eval=FALSE, echo=FALSE}
SeekDeep popClusteringViewer --getFlags | gsed -r "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,3}((;[0-9]{1,3})*)?)?[m|K]//g" | head -20
echo ...
echo ...
# Examples
## General Usage
**SeekDeep popClusteringViewer** needs 1 flag to run, `--configDir`.
* **--configDir**: This is a directory with configure files created by **SeekDeep genProjectConfig**, see below
### SeekDeep genProjectConfig
* **--mainDir**: This is the output directory created by [SeekDeep processClusters](processClusters_usage.html)
* **--projectName**: This can be any name to give to your project
* **--shortName**: This is a shorter name for the project, this is used in the url for the hosting so should be short and contain only letters and numbers, will default to just `--projectName`
* **--out**: By default `SeekDeep genProjectConfig` will create a *.config file where the prefix is the name given to `--shortName`, use `--overWrite` to overWrite it
```{r, engine='bash',comment="",eval=T}
SeekDeep genProjectConfig --mainDir finalResultsDir --projectName myProjectName --shortName mpn --overWrite
You can give a file or redirect the output to a file
```{r, engine='bash',comment="",eval=T}
SeekDeep genProjectConfig --mainDir finalResultsDir --projectName myProjectName --shortName mpn --out outfile.config --overWrite
## General Usage contin.
You need to create a directory with configuration files create by **SeekDeep genProjectConfig**, most of the time you might just have one but if you have multiple clustering projects you can host multiple projects at once.
```{r, engine='bash',comment="",eval=F}
mkdir configs
SeekDeep genProjectConfig --mainDir finalResultsDir --projectName myProjectName --shortName mpn --out configs/outfile.config
Calling this command will print out a address that the HTTP server is being hosted at, copy this address into a browser to start using the server
```{r, engine='bash',comment="",eval=FALSE}
SeekDeep popClusteringViewer --configDir configs
```{r, engine='bash',comment="",highlight=TRUE, echo=FALSE}
echo localhost:9881/pcv
## Also viewing extraction data
```{r, engine='bash',comment="",eval=FALSE, echo=T}
SeekDeep genProjectConfig --mainDir finalResultsDir --projectName myProjectName --shortName myProjectName --extractionDir extractionFiles --indexToDir --sampNames ../../ --out configs/out.config
SeekDeep popClusteringViewer --configDir configs
```{r, engine='bash',comment="",highlight=TRUE, echo=FALSE, eval = FALSE}
echo localhost:9881/pcv
## Changing port
If you have several servers running or something is already running at the default port you may have to change the port number to get the server running, this can be done with the `-port` flag
```{r, engine='bash',comment="",eval=FALSE}
SeekDeep popClusteringViewer --configDir configs
```{r, engine='bash',comment="",highlight=TRUE, echo=FALSE}
echo localhost:9881/pcv
echo system: Address already in use
```{r, engine='bash',comment="",eval=FALSE}
SeekDeep popClusteringViewer --configDir configs -port 9882
```{r, engine='bash',comment="",highlight=TRUE, echo=FALSE}
echo localhost:9882/pcv